DBS mBanking


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Enjoy quick, convenient and safe banking whenever you want, wherever you are.Please ensure you have at least 50MB of free space on your device to install the app.DBS mBanking offers you the safer and simple way to:- Activate your cards for overseas usage - Check your account balances- View your transaction history- Transfer funds- Pay bills- Add/delete biller- IPO application & share payments- SGS applications- One time bill payment- ATM/Branch/AXS locator- Remittances (Funds Transfer Overseas)- Pay any local credit card and overseas Visa cardIf you have any feedback or suggestion: - tweet @dbsbank http://twitter.com/dbsbank- facebook http://www.facebook.com/dbsmbankingSimply login using your existing DBS iBanking User ID, PIN and DBS iB Secure Device.Do not have DBS iBanking? Please visit www.dbs.com/sg/personal/ibanking to apply.Tip: You are also able to login to DBS mBanking via your phone browser if you do not wish to download the application. Just visit https://mobile.dbs.com.sg